Purple Heart Dinner
Purple Heart Dinner The Cape Fear Purple Heart Association honors recipients and their families On Saturday, August 11, 2018, Wilmington...

High TECH Leland!
High-Tech Launch Leland Police Department Announces New Digital Crime Map Tool It seems that there is always an APP for that. The ever...

ATMC, Your Co-op
A great choice when it comes to local, community and service. By AMI BROWN Binge watching Netflix? No problem, this internet company...

Local’s Tavern
A Place where everyone knows your name STORY & photos by Kass Fincher When several partners, including Chad Phillips, Eric Reitz, Scott...

Beachy Beers
Craft can beers really hit the spot when heading to the beach. STORY and photo by Jeff Stites So you want to head to the beach but that...

See Click Fix! The Town of Leland takes on an APP and puts the power in the hands of the people! BY ami brown With the Town of Leland...

Booming Brunswick!
Brunswick County Booms Brunswick County is the place to go. BY LISA STITES It seems that once again, southeastern North Carolina’s...

Water Water Please!
The Importance of Water Keeping hydrated is key to healthy body Story by: Brian Tully, MS, EP-C As we begin to move into the warmer...

Compass Pointe restaurant is the place to go for delicious food and friendly service. STORY by Kass Fincher Although the community of...

Comparing Coolers
Wine Coolers are the perfect Summer Thirst Quenchers STORY by Jeff stites I was not quite old enough to drink when the first wine...